We all know that gardening is one of the best ways to rid ourselves of stress. And it keeps us away from the couch, the TV and phone, and all those techno-gadgets. There’s nothing better than watching your first flower bloom, or smelling freshly cut herbs— and knowing you did it yourself. On the other hand, there’s nothing worse than tilling the soil and planting your seeds, only to have your foliage and fruit eaten by bugs, killed by disease, or overrun by weeds.
Frustration has brought many hopeful gardens to an early ending. Areas with poor soil are worse, as nothing you do seems to succeed for more than a short season and a small harvest. Raised beds are the next step up, especially if you have a good design and plenty of high-quality compost. You can literally grow anything in a raised bed, and you can do it inexpensively. The next step up from raised beds is a simple outdoor Kratky (hydroponic) system.
Read the 20 Facts on the Hydroponics page.
(This article was originally published on 031017 in Issue 4 of the EBG Newsletter.)