Month: February 2020

Meet Howdy Salsa 011017
We met 14-year-old Logan Gonzales at a local Farmer’s Market. Impressed that he had started a business at such a young age, we stopped for […]

Spotlight: Moringa Oleifera (Malunggay) 120716
The leaves, bark, flowers, fruit, seeds, and roots of this tree are used to make medicines. Moringa contains proteins, vitamins, and minerals. As an anti-oxidant, […]

Hydro Tank #3: Bok Choy (pechay)
Shown here at day-23, the Bok Choy (pechay) in Tank 3 is doing well. Harvest will begin December 15th and is expected to continue until […]

River Spinach (kangkong) Testing 120716
After a 100-day test of River Spinach (kangkong), the nutrient solution from Hydroponics Tank #1 is pumped out and used to fertilize the baby Moringa […]

Dry Mixing Hydroponic Nutrients 120716
Our quest to replace high-priced liquid nutrients for our hydroponics tanks took a major step forward thanks to Mr. Rick Wells of Pensacola Permaculture, and […]

Insteon Update 120716
The new Insteon Hub and Appliance Module are proving to be a great solution for controlling appliances remotely from by cell phone. The catch: the […]

Tesla Powerwall 2: EBG Backs Out 120716
After two years of stonewalling, Tesla finally responded to our requests for information on their Powerwall storage batteries. We made the down payment ($1100) back […]

Tech Update: “Dobie” (the Robot) Passes Away 120716
It is with considerable sadness that we announce that “Dobie” (the robot) has passed away from catastrophic charger failure. Though never practical, this (our first) […]

Raised Bed Wall Correction 120616
After two years of service, several walls of our raised beds have tilted out of alignment. Repairs are relatively easy if performed surgically—don’t let the […]